
Hear what past apprentices have to say about the program!

Anh Bui
Good Cheer Apprentice 2015
IMG_0027“This program is awesome and will likely be the most supportive program you will experience. Also, if more people knew about this program, there would be a waitlist to be an apprentice and people would be clamoring over others and fighting tooth and nail to be an apprentice. In other words, it would be highly competitive. Do yourself a favor and come apprentice with us. The people here are amazing and do great work. The community you will be dropped into will be mindblowingly supportive.”

“Coming from someone who had never flat raked or edged anything in her life (and basically did not know how to use a shovel) and who has come to love raking beds flat, I would say the combination of curriculum and experiential learning was instrumental in developing the skills listed in the stated objectives. The seemingly seamless marrying of experiential learning, mentorship, curriculum, and coordination is one of the things that makes this program unique.”


Halley Shriber
School Farm and Garden Apprentice 2015
IMG_3686“The educational aspect of this apprenticeship was crucial to building my confidence in this field. The readings tied together what we were doing, and helped me answer the “why,” that I often find myself pondering while in the midst of a garden task. Moreover, the field trips were a great way to see what other local farms/gardens were up to and created great networking opportunities! I appreciated rotating around to the different gardens so I could gain knowledge in that particular garden setting. I am no longer hesitant to use a hoe, or understand what’s happening beneath the soil using my hori-hori. I also come away from this program with a greater understanding of myself; both strengths and qualities that I will continue to improve as I progress.”

I also believe the knowledge I have obtained will boost my credibility as an applicant for various positions throughout the field of agriculture and education.”


Camille Green
Former Apprentice, current Good Cheer Garden Manager
“I came out here expecting to stay for a season, and am still here almost three years later. I may never leave! This apprenticeship truly teaches you how to care for your community, yourself, the land you’re on, and how to appreciate and love hard and rewarding work. Accepting this apprenticeship was truly one of the most important decisions of my life.”